Saturday, December 1, 2018

UC Davis Wins $500,000 Amazon Alexa AI Challenge

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Hacker News
UC Davis Wins $500,000 Amazon Alexa AI Challenge
Physicist Leon Lederman died age 96 selling his Nobel Prize to pay medical costs
The Arcane Algorithm Archive
Training ResNet-50 on ImageNet in 35 Epochs Using Second-Order Optimization
Google rescinds candidate verbal offer due to low GPA
Erllambda: Run Erlang and Elixir in AWS Lambda
Reconfigurable Computing at Hyperscale [video]
Twitter user hacks 50k printers to tell people to subscribe to PewDiePie
Party REPL – A multi-player REPL built for pair-programming [video]
Canadian Supreme Court: Reporter must give RCMP material about accused terrorist
Why is 2 * (i * i) faster than 2 * i * i in Java?
H-1B visa shift may favor tech companies
Does Google harm local search rivals? EU antitrust regulators ask
Maximizing password manager attack surface
Source: Google Hangouts for consumers will be shutting down sometime in 2020
Chip wars: China, America and silicon supremacy
Al Lowe reveals his Sierra source code collection
Ketamine might help prevent suicide
Daniel Kahneman on when to trust intuitive judgment
Spectrum is joining GitHub
An underground cathedral protecting Tokyo from floods
LibrePCB: First stable release published
Show HN: End-to-end LTE example with Docker and emulated radio
Controlling a WiFi power socket from the command line
News Tom's Hardware
New Tariffs Could Hit Laptops, iPhones, Trump Says
In the slowly escalating trade war between the United States and China, laptops and iPhones could be the next items hit by tariffs, U.S. President Donald Trump has said.

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